Monday, November 11, 2013

Mission Leadership Council

What was once Zone Leadership Council is now Mission Leadership Council,

 which includes the Sisters.

This is an awesome development. It's great to have the input of everyone in leadership to foster unity and exchange information and ideas.
Guam Leadership council June 2013

Eric wrote that being a Zone Leader is a lot of responsibility. You must earn the respect of the other missionaries. You must do administrative stuff on top of your proselyting duties, and that takes time. He said he is working his hardest to work smart. To be effective, you must be a source of influence to help the other missionaries work hard. Sometimes it is hard to show that there is happiness out there, even thought it can be hard to see it. He enjoys being able to do the work, it is very hard and stressful, but by far the Best Two Years*.

No matter where you are called or what position you serve in, you must keep in mind the goal: bringing others to Christ. You must always guard against namanam tekia (being prideful). The work is for others, not yourself.

* The Best Two Years is an awesome movie about serving a mission- highly recommend seeing this.